Diabetics can wear sturdy shoes to protect their feet from wounds, take medication and insulin as directed by their doctor, and avoid overeating sugars and starches to prevent high blood sugar levels and complications.
If a diabetic patient neglects to treat his foot wounds or ulcers and leaves them exposed or is lazy to change them daily, they will become infected with a serious infection that may spread, leading to tissue poisoning and death, which necessitates amputation of the foot or leg - depending on the degree of gangrene spread.
Symptoms of diabetic foot appear in the form of swelling and pain in the affected foot, a change in the color of the skin covering it from normal to dark, an increase in both its thickness and degree of dryness, in addition to the exit of some purulent secretions in the event that the wound becomes infected.
The cost of treating varicose veins with laser in Egypt varies according to the level of development of the devices used. The price of treatment using external laser devices (Exolaser) is different from internal laser devices (Endolaser), and according to the experience of the doctors supervising the treatment journey.
Varicose veins can be permanently eliminated through various laser techniques, thermal cautery, or limited surgical intervention. However, after the end of the treatment journey, the patient must avoid standing for long periods of time and maintain a healthy weight to maintain the treatment results.
Neglecting to treat heart diseases can lead to serious problems such as heart attacks, heart failure, angina, heart failure and stroke. Therefore, patients should visit the heart clinic early to receive treatment and avoid life-threatening complications.
Sports are generally beneficial for heart health, but heart patients should practice them with caution and care, and under the supervision of a specialist cardiologist in order to regulate the type of sports and the duration of their practice according to their health conditions.
Applying medical dressings to foot wounds and ulcers, wearing medical socks, and suctioning pus that may come out of wounds using modern devices, in addition to improving the rate of blood flow to the extremities via ozone and active oxygen, are all means of preventing the worsening of diabetic foot symptoms and helping wounds heal..
Doctors examine diabetic foot patients by imaging the blood vessels using an ultrasound device, measuring the blood flow rate and the efficiency of blood circulation using a modern Doppler device, all in addition to a clinical examination of the appearance of foot wounds..
Individuals develop varicose veins at an early age as a result of weak leg muscles, excessive obesity, and standing for long periods without rest. They may also develop them due to genetic factors in the family, or pregnancy - for women - and the pressure it causes on the leg veins..
In the case of surgical removal of varicose veins, the patient may feel some temporary pain in the legs, which usually disappears completely over time during the recovery phase, provided that the doctor’s instructions regarding standing and maintaining a healthy weight are adhered to..
The skin temperature rises in the area surrounding the affected vein (varicose vein area) as a result of a large amount of blood stagnation inside it. The affected vein has return valves that prevent blood from rising towards the heart, which causes it to accumulate..
Electrocardiogram and echocardiogram (ultrasound) are important tests for monitoring the health of the heart muscle on a regular basis, which helps in detecting heart, artery and valve diseases early and then starting to treat them..
Heart disease is not limited to the elderly only, but also affects young people, especially those who have a genetic history of such diseases, or those who practice bad eating habits, such as overeating foods rich in cholesterol and harmful fats..